Staffing Insurance 101



    Insurance isn’t just for individuals, and businesses often face unique crises that insurance can address. So what types of liabilities should your business be interested in covering? Let’s break it down.


Employment Practices Liability


Employment Practices Liability protects companies  from accusations of discrimination by employees or potential hires. EPL also guards against other allegations such as harassment of wrongful termination.


Cyber Liability


The primary purpose of a cyber liability policy is to protect a business in the case of hacking or data breaches that compromise a customer’s personal information. Such information includes, but is not limited to, Social Security or credit card numbers, addresses, and emails.


Commercial Auto Liability


Commercial Auto Liability Insurance serves an almost identical purpose to that of personal liability insurance: covering costs from damages inflicted or suffered in an automobile accident. This insurance extends to any accident in which an insured commercial vehicle causes the damage.


Fiduciary Liability


Fiduciary liability refers to a business’ responsibility to its employees and shareholders. This could include management of an employee’s benefits or of a stockholder’s money.


Worker’s Compensation


Worker’s compensation is one of the more familiar terms on this list. Worker’s compensation is simply a form of insurance that allows an injured employee to relinquish their right to sue the company in exchange for wage replacement and medical benefits.



    Of course, this is not an exhaustive list.  However, after reading this blog, you may be feeling a little intimidated. Protecting your business from the less recognized risks is why you need a good agent giving you accurate advice.  If your agent is not a trusted advisor in your business, contact us today to  learn how we work to provide that level of service to every commercial insurance client we work with.


Howard Webb Insurance




Health Insurance – Skin Cancer Prevention Month

May is Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month. Fortunately, your risk of developing melanoma is 50% lower with the use of daily skin protection, and with summer right around the corner, this is especially important to keep in mind. So whether or not you plan on heading to the beach this summer, here are some summer skin care tips.

Pick the right sunscreen


SPF stands for sun protection factor and indicates how long the sunscreen will prevent sunburn. For example, when you apply SPF 15 sunscreen, your skin will take 15 times longer to burn than if you were to go without any protection whatsoever. Most dermatologists recommend sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15. The best sunscreens will protect against not only UVB rays, but also UVA rays (although the majority of sunscreens don’t). It is also important to make sure the sunscreen you choose is labeled “broad spectrum.”


Use the right sunscreen right


Proper sunscreen use begins before you even head outdoors.  Your first application should be 30 minutes before your skin is ever exposed to the sun. This should be followed up with reapplications every two hours for the remainder of your time outdoors. This is especially critical if you are going in and out of the water or sweating excessively. However, these rules do not apply to children under six months. Doctors do not recommend sunscreen use on infants. Therefore, exposure to the sun should be kept at a minimum.


Know Your Skin


When it comes to diseases like melanoma, prevention can often be the best treatment. It is advisable to regularly monitor your skin for sudden or irregular changes. This could take the form of moles, bumps, or spots. Even if you don’t identify anything concerning, yearly checkups are a great step in melanoma prevention.


Follow Up


Sometimes, even if you do everything right, sunburn just can’t be avoided. If you do find yourself the recipient of a few too many rays, there are a few key steps you can take. Start by placing cool or damp cloths on the affected area, or by taking cool showers and baths. Aloe vera can also be of tremendous help to those with sunburns. Apply this regularly and generously. Most importantly, stay hydrated. Hydration can help prevent headaches and fatigue caused by sunburns.





Motorcycle Safety 101

With the weather warming up, an increasing number of people are dusting off their motorcycles once again. But although motorcycles can be a fun way to get around, it’s no secret that they’re not necessarily the safest. Unfortunately, someone driving a motorcycle is about three times as likely as someone driving a car to get in an accident. And the risk is even higher for those 60 and over. So we’ve compiled a few motorcycle safety tips from the experts.


Drive Slow and Drive Sober


Okay, so you don’t necessarily need to drive slow. However, it is very important to heed the speed limits. According to the Insurance Information for Highway Safety, 48 percent of motorcycle accidents involve speeding. And unfortunately, 42 percent of motorcycle crashes involve alcohol. So if you want to stay safe, it’s simple: drive slow and drive sober.


Buy a Bike That Fits You


When shopping for a motorcycle, always make sure the fit of the bike is comfortable. Your feet should be able to rest on the floor, handlebars should be within reach, and make sure the bike itself isn’t too heavy. When determining the size you will need, it is important to remember that for regular commute, a smaller model can be ideal. However, if you plan to spend a lot of time on the highway, you may want to consider a larger bike.


Take a Safety Course


This is one of the most often-repeated pieces of motorcycle safety advice.Motorcycle Safety Foundation courses are offered all over the country and can provide invaluable instruction for beginners or regulars. These classes review basics of motorcycle safety, as well as more advanced maneuvers. Some classes are even offered for little to no cost. Even better, taking one of these courses can even the price you pay for insurance.


Drive on the Defensive


In about 60% of motorcycle crashes involving a traditional automobile, the fault is attributed to the driver of the car. This means, unfortunately, motorcyclists need to be on the defensive, even more so than other drivers. This entails being aware of cars pulling out from side streets and changing lanes without warning, avoiding tailgating and tailgaters, and keeping an eye out for debris on the road.


Wear a Helmet


This advice may seem obvious, but unfortunately, it is advice that often goes unheeded. Not wearing a helmet raises a motorcyclist’s chance of suffering a fatal head injury by 40 percent.

A full-face helmet marked by the Department of Transportation certification sticker is the ideal choice. But it’s not enough to simply buy a good helmet. Maintenance and often replacement are critical. Independent helmet testing organization, the Snell Memorial Foundation, recommends replacing helmets every five years.

Before You Buy: What to Know Before Purchasing a House



Whether you’re looking for a mansion or a white-picket fence, anyone shopping for their first house has a lot on their mind. There are many factors to consider: proximity to stores, property taxes, school district, and more. However, it is important to also consider the implications buying a house could have for insurance.


Here are a few things to consider –


Credit Score:


It is fairly common knowledge that your credit score can have huge implications on almost any significant financial decision you make. This is certainly the case when purchasing a house. Having a good credit score can help you obtain a better mortgage. It can even get you a discount on your home insurance policy. To see how you measure up, obtain copies of all your credit reports.


Location of the Local Fire Department:


Living in proximity to a high-quality, non-volunteer fire department could potentially lower the cost of your insurance premiums. This also extends to homes that have a fire hydrant nearby.


Proximity to the Coastline:


If your house is situated near a coastline, it is typically going to cost more to insure than a landlocked estate. Your home insurance policy may even contain a separate hurricane or windstorm deductible.


Age of the House:

Unfortunately, living in an older house can mean living in a more expensive house to insure. The detailing of the house may be more costly to replace, which can raise the cost of insurance. Additionally, these home are often less safe because of their outdated plumbing and electrical systems.

Condition of the Roof:

Roofs are one of the most important (and one of the most volatile) fixtures of a home. The age and condition of your roof could either raise or lower your insurance costs.

Loss History Report:

It is important to ask the last resident of the house for a copy of their loss history report. Homeowners can obtain either a Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange (C.L.U.E.) report, which is available from LexisNexis, or an A-PLUSTM property report from ISO. These reports will detail the history of losses on the home, as long as the what, when, and where of the losses. If the report indicates significant damage, you may want to get it checked by a professional.

Up to Code?:

Check with a professional to make sure the building has been updated according to current building codes. Homes that comply with these standards are much more likely to withstand a disaster.

What You Need to Know About Insurance Before April 15

    As April 15 (aka Tax Day) is approaching, many are looking to find as many tax deductions as possible. The question we’re going to address today is whether or not insurance premiums can be written off on tax forms.


    The answer is a little more complicated than a simple yes or no. For example, owners of personal insurance policies are not able to file those policies for tax deduction purposes. However, if your insurance policy is business-oriented, there are ways to file that on tax form to receive a deduction. Even independent contractors through a shared economy app like Uber or Lyft may file for tax deductions. Unfortunately, this requires that the individual report the income they earned on that job to be taxed.


    The first thing you need to do is list the insurance policies that you would like to deduct on the longer version of a Form 1040. The IRS will not accept this type of request on a condensed 1040 A or the abbreviated 1040 EZ. The extra work that this requires may not be worth it to those who typically take only the standard deductions during tax season.


    In order to complete the process, you must also file Schedule C Profit or Loss from Business. You must then determine the amount of additional work you are willing to do in order to claim an insurance deduction. The easier option is following a provided, simplified formula. However, depending on the amount of deductions you believe are available, you may find it worthwhile to manually calculate your precise insurance expenditures.


    The simplified method for filing tax deductions on business use of your vehicle is computed by multiplying the number of miles you traveled by 54 cents. The IRS says that this formula should adequately cover any fuel, repairs, maintenance, or insurance expenditures that you covered in the preceding year. A little more complicated method requires you to calculate the percentage of total car costs for the year based on the number of total miles driven vs. miles driven for business.


    The IRS has developed a similar method for calculating home office deductions. Individuals may claim $5 per square foot for any space dedicated solely to office use. The maximum is set at 300 square feet, or $1,500. You may choose to go the more complicated route by adding up all home-related expenses, including mortgage payments, maintenance, property tax, insurance, utilities, etc… You must then deduce the percentage of total space in the home occupied by office space. Whatever that percentage is is the percentage of your home-related expenses that you can receive a tax deduction for.

Contact us at or 765-644-8847  with any questions regarding your insurance needs.

Hidden Hazards in the Home





    There are numerous factors around the home that can lead to slips and falls. And although incidents of injury due to a fall disproportionately affect the elderly, things like loose rugs and slippery shower tiles can pose a threat to everyone in your home.


    Experts recommend using double-sided carpet tape to keep your carpet from being easily moved and causing a fall. You can also combat falls in showers or bathrooms by using non-slip mats.


The Silent Killers – carbon monoxide and bacteria in your water


    Unlike falls, most people aren’t aware of how significant of a threat seemingly invisible factors such as carbon monoxide and bacteria can pose to them within their homes. Carbon monoxide most often causes injury when an individual enters an enclosed garage in which a car or lawnmower has been running for too long, allowing for a buildup of carbon monoxide. Bacteria is another invisible threat to individual’s health that often is transported in tap water. For peace of mind, it is often helpful to install a water filter on any tap from which you get drinking water.


Crib hazards


    Unfortunately, cribs can be hazardous to the children that sleep in them and are responsible for more infant deaths than any other piece of nursery equipment. Children are most frequently injured when attempting to exit the crib. They can get stuck in the posts of the crib or catch their clothing and fall out.


    Fortunately, this can be easily avoided by choosing a crib that was made after 2011, when new safety standards were implemented. This significantly decreases the risks that your child will be injured. It is also important to strictly adhere to the manual directions in the use of the crib. Many of these instructions are instrumental to ensure child safety.


The wrong fire alarm — ionization alarms v. photoelectric


    Most homes rely on ionization alarms — a mistake that can prove to be fatal. These alarms can take 25-50 minutes longer to detect the signs of a fire. This means that they often miss subtle warning signs such as burning cigarettes or of frayed electrical wires.


    Unfortunately, people choose these alarms simply because of their lower cost without realizing that, in the future, it could cost them their home or even their lives.

Insurance for College Students



Spring is just around the corner, bringing with it warmer weather, rain showers, and college acceptance letters.  As these letters prompt students to start planning fun and parents to start planning funds, it is important to consider your options when it comes to insurance.


Car Insurance


    The most important thing to realize is that if your are still financially supporting your college-age child, you can still classify them as a household member for insurance purposes, even past the age of 18.


    This means that your child is still eligible to be part of your auto insurance policy.  However, if for whatever reason, your child chooses to leave their car at home, you can decrease your insurance rates by not listing them as a regular driver on your policy.


    If you choose to do so, it is important that you notify your agent if your child will be at home and driving for an extended period of time.


    Finally, if your child owns their own ride or you are planning on transferring a family car into their name, it is necessary that they register and insure the vehicle themselves.  This is a great first step to building your child’s insurance record.


What about the rest of it?


    Just as you would create an inventory for the items in your own home, it is extremely advantageous to document the items your student is taking with them to college. It is typically not necessary to purchase an additional insurance policy to cover these goods, as your insurance should extend to these items.


    This extension may or may not be valid when your student is studying abroad, so it is always important to check with your insurance agent before your student leaves for another country.


    It may be more expedient to purchase a renters insurance policy for students renting an apartment or house off-campus. These policies are typically inexpensive, starting as low as $10 a month. Renters insurance covers general liability and medical expenses in addition to property.


It’s normal for parents to be concerned as their kids head off to college. But having the proper insurance can alleviate those concerns at least a little bit. Talk to your agent today to find out what’s right for you and your student!

Marriage: It Just Makes Cents

Saying “I do” can change more than just your last name or relationship status on Facebook – it changes your financial situation. And that’s not just because you may be supporting a spouse. Marriage comes with several financial benefits.

Health Insurance

One of the most widely known financial benefits of marriage is the decreased cost in health insurance. In many households, only one spouse is the recipient of insurance benefits from their employer, but they are able to add their partner to their plan for a reasonable cost.

Auto Insurance

Health insurance isn’t the only type of insurance whose price is lowered by marriage. Auto insurance providers often offer discounted prices when customers purchase multiple policies at the same time. According to, a 23 year old living in Indianapolis, Indiana could see as much as a 26% drop in his or her annual premium when he or she applies for coverage as a married couple.


Nobody enjoys filing taxes, but marriage can make it more worth your while. Married couples have the option to either file jointly or separately, but most choose jointly because it is typically cheaper. The one exception to this is in low income houses that bring in less than 10,000 dollars per year. These households receive less of the earned income credit that is designed to keep the working class poor out of poverty because they are classified as a dual income household.


Married individuals often find it significantly easier to get approval for loans because of the increased financial stability marriage offers. Dual income households also inherently bring in more money, thus making them more attractive clients.

Credit Score

Marrying someone with a higher credit score automatically raises your own score. However, this is a reciprocal action, and your spouse’s credit score will be lowered. But ultimately, most people are better off when they are married.

As always, contact us at Howard Webb Insurance for more detailed information to help you get the RIGHT coverage at the best rate.

Howard Webb Insurance

Why does my Policy have Insurance Exclusions?

According to the Health Insurance Glossary, an exclusion is a provision within a health insurance policy that eliminates coverage for certain acts, property, types of damage or locations. In the past, individual health insurance policies frequently contained exclusions for pre-existing medical conditions. Insurers add exclusions to policies in order to avoid covering severely high-risk claims.

You can usually locate any exclusions incorporated into your policy under a section titled “exclusions.” These exclusions may be included for a number of reasons. Just a few of these include:


Insurers are often unwilling to cover catastrophes that affect a large number of people. War would be an example of this.

•Policy Overlap

Some things are excluded from certain policies because they are covered

elsewhere. For example, liability insurance does not cover auto liability because

it is included in commercial auto insurance.

•Purposefully Inflicted

Insurance policies cover events that are out of the policy holder’s control.

Therefore, losses intentionally inflicted by the holder are excluded. This would

include bodily harm inflicted by the holder on other individual.

•Easily Avoidable

Many policies exclude harm that could have been easily avoided by the policy holder. For example, if the holder forgets to park his car in the garage and subsequently suffers damage from sleet or snow, the insurance company will not cover the harm inflicted.

•Illicit Activity

Most insurance companies will not cover loss that results from engagement in

illegal activity.

Regardless of why your policy has exclusions, it’s important to know what those exclusions are. Take time today to read through your policy or contact an agent for assistance.

How to Create a Home Inventory

One of the appeals of insurance is the security that it provides in times of peril. People like to know that when that flood comes or fire sparks, their family is protected. But insurance does little to help if you don’t know what you lost.

That’s why home inventories are important. A home inventory, simply defined, is a detailed list of all the possessions in your home. And while compiling one may seem like a daunting task, there are several resources and methods that can make the process easier for you and your family.

Every item in the inventory should include a description of the item, serial number, purchase date, and estimated value. Using an online resource like United Policyholder’s Home Inventory Sheet can expedite the process. You may also choose to use an inventory app or visit a retailer to estimate costs.

When taking on this task, it is helpful to first formulate a strategy for doing so. Home inventories can come in many different forms, from spreadsheets to home videos. However you choose to present it, there are several ways to tackle this project.

The easiest way to do so is by acting preemptively and saving the receipts from all of your home purchases, big or small. These receipts provide exact data and make the process much easier from the start.

However, for many families, it is too late to start saving receipts. If you have already purchased a significant amount for which you have no official records, you may have no choice but to sweep your floor from wall to wall to complete your inventory.

It is often helpful to organize the process either room by room or categorically. One of the best ways to do this is by using your smart phone to narrate a video walk through of your home and contents. However you choose to do it, once you finish, make sure you protect it! Save physical copies in a safe box or even in a separate location from your home, and back all digital copies up onto several different drives and/or appliances. When you have a loss, it is much easier to go to the video or pictures and create a list of everything lost instead of trying to do it from memory during a difficult time. Ensuring that your home inventory can survive any sort of damage to your home is vitally important. After all, that’s what it’s there for!